

Pal-chan is also being treated with Chinese herbal medicine for repeated enteritis . He originally tended to get an upset stomach at the turn of the season. Besides that, when he ate something unusual, ate too much, changed the rhythm of his life, and felt stressed, his stomach squeaked, and he had repeated mucous and bloody stools .
The diagnosis at the Western Hospital revealed that he had a food allergy, and he could only control his symptoms, and his family was always worried about when it would recur, so they decided to take preventive treatment with Chinese herbal medicine. .
When gastrointestinal symptoms develop due to external stress, the autonomic nervous system is often out of balance
Therefore, in our Chinese medicine treatment, we treated the gastrointestinal tract and autonomic nerves to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract and immunity to prevent inflammation.
Thanks to his herbal medicine treatment, he seems to have been able to spend this winter calmly without getting sick. As his stomach symptoms subsided, he was able to reduce his herbal medicine. However, as it got warmer, the skin became inflamed, so he continues to treat his nerves and immunity .
